
Beauxwright Profile: Meet Jacqi Dix


Jacqi began working with Beauxwright at the end of 2020, and moved to the full-time role of accounting manager in 2023. As an integral part of the team, Jacqi contributes her comprehensive experience in operations, focusing on processes, procedures and project accounting. In this Q&A conversation, Jacqi discusses her “unexpected” career path, special skills and lifelong commitment to advocacy.

What drew you to Beauxwright?

I first learned about Beauxwright through a mutual contact who recommended we meet. Initially unfamiliar with the company, I quickly discovered what makes Beauxwright special during our discussions. I was impressed by their genuine approach to conversations and their commitment not only to business relationships, but also to the well-being of their team members.

What does a typical day look like for you?

A typical day for me is dynamic and varied. Currently, I oversee approximately a dozen projects at different stages of development, with several more in the initial phases. While I maintain a monthly checklist for each project, my day often involves gathering and preparing information for our development team. This fluidity keeps me engaged and allows me to contribute effectively to our project management efforts.

Have you always had an interest in numbers and accounting?

Not really – ha! Along my journey, someone pointed out that I'm a natural observer and have a knack for finding solutions. These skills, coupled with a natural understanding of GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) accounting, led me to where I am today.

You are a Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS), Certified Environmental Access Specialist (CEAC) AND an Aid to Daily Living Specialist (ADLs)! What inspired you to pursue these certifications?

The certifications stemmed from personal experience at home and a desire to assist others, particularly within our family. My daughter, Kaitlyn, faces several mobility challenges, which prompted my husband, Martin, and me to identify specific home adaptations necessary for her daily activities. For instance, essential modifications include barrier-free doorways without steps or high thresholds, wide doors and hallways to accommodate a wheelchair, and spacious rooms, particularly the bathroom, for maneuverability.

Universal Design real estate spaces, which allow equal access for all, is also a passion of yours, as is advocating for neurodivergent individuals and those with physical limitations. How did you get involved with these causes and what do they mean to you?

During my training in home modifications to support independent living, I discovered "universal design." What captivates me about this approach is its transformation of accessibility features from merely functional to desirable aspects of a home. For example, lever-style door handles, which are easier to operate than traditional knobs, exemplify how universal design integrates practicality seamlessly into everyday living. What appears as a high-end or technologically advanced home feature often proves essential for individuals with limited mobility to maintain independence.

My passion for universal design and advocacy for neurodivergent individuals and those with physical limitations grew directly from my experience of living with my daughter. Witnessing firsthand the challenges she faces has fueled my commitment to being an advocate for inclusivity. I believe everyone deserves to live comfortably and independently in their environments, regardless of their abilities or differences.

Continuing this thread of helping others, you are known for your love of rescue dogs. How many do you have and what kind?

Our family currently has two senior dogs. They are both delightful mixed breeds and have distinct personalities. According to DNA testing, our 11-year-old, Rondo, is a Staffy/Collie mix, and our 9-year-old, Sofie, is a Malinois Shepherd/Boxer mix.

Beauxwright was built on the foundation of creating and cultivating long-term relationships. Why do you think this matters?

I believe that cultivating long-term relationships is foundational for any business, providing a competitive edge through trust and reliability. At Beauxwright, these enduring connections enable us to deeply understand our clients' needs and preferences, which allows us to deliver more tailored and effective solutions. The feedback we receive from these trusted relationships is invaluable, guiding us in continuous improvement and ensuring that we consistently exceed expectations.

What about your job do you find the most rewarding?

I enjoy witnessing the journey of our projects from inception to completion. It's incredibly fulfilling to be part of opportunity meetings where visions are shared and plans are set in motion. Seeing these ideas evolve and come to life over the course of several years is truly gratifying. The culmination of all the hard work and collaboration into a successful end product is immensely satisfying and reinforces why I'm passionate about Beauxwright.

If you had to choose only five words to describe Beauxwright, what would they be?  

Innovative, collaborative, visionary, integrity, authentic.

What advice would you give to your 20-year-old self?

Stay true to yourself – make decisions that align with your values and principles. Authenticity builds integrity and self-respect. Reframe “failure” as learning experiences, because you often learn more from a learning experience than from a defined “success.”

Lighting Round!

●      Favorite restaurant: OBX local fish places

●      Beach or mountains: Beach

●      Favorite day of the week:  Sunday

●      Call or text: Both

●      Favorite hobby: I just got hooked on pickleball!

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