
Conservation and development: Q&A with David Belk


Since joining Beauxwright as development manager in 2021, David Belk has led development and construction management on a wide range of projects, bringing along his prior experience in project management, underwriting and business development.

Outside of work, David is involved in the Coastal Conservation Association (CCA), which works hard to provide sound management of public trust marine and estuarine resources, in order to protect those resources for the enjoyment of current and future generations.

David shares some insight on his involvement with CCA as it relates to his professional life.

How does the notion of protecting the environment for the future impact your development thinking here inland?

CCA advocates policy today to manage fishery stocks into the future. Similarly, designing a community requires extensive foresight. It is important to focus on the end user — or resident — when making decisions in the early planning stages of a project. Small changes in design can dramatically impact residents’ experiences going forward.

It sounds like you’re inspired by your support of CCA. How do you personally connect this with your development work with Beauxwright?

CCA utilizes multiple techniques to improve marine habitat. Many of their projects involve the establishment of new artificial reefs, benefitting both fish and fishermen. Likewise, I strive to incorporate amenities and connections to public facilities into Beauxwright’s developments to improve the environment for future residents.

Are there specific examples of how Beauxwright projects have “gone the extra mile” in a project to protect the environment?

Our projects do not occur in a vacuum, and construction can affect the daily lives of our neighbors in the community. Several months ago, we discovered that our approved design for a townhome project included a retaining wall that could damage a neighbor’s trees. Rather than proceed with the original plan, we contacted the neighbor and agreed upon a solution to grade into the neighbor’s backyard — rather than installing the wall — to save those trees.

What trends do you see in the future for developers being environmental stewards?

Increasing density in our cities and towns is a fantastic way to preserve the environment. Dense developments impact less land, reduce urban sprawl, promote affordable housing and encourage walkable communities.

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